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September 16, 2008

Rockstar contest

This is the first contest at and it is not based on luck . It ‘s based on the number of POINTS you collect . Enter into the contest…

1st Place :

$ 50 Gift Voucher.
$ 15 Hard Cash through Paypal.
$ 20 worth Banner Advertising in for 1 month.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog] for 1 month.
And Get a Review at my personal Blog.

2nd Place :

$ 25 Hard Cash through PayPal.
$ 20 worth Banner Advertising in for 1 month.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog].

3rd Place :

1000 EntreCard credits.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog].

All Participant Will Get their Blog Listed for 1 month !!

How To Get Points ?

1] Subscribe To Feed Via EMAIL .

2] Write About This Contest in your Blog , with a link back to this Post .

3] Add To Technorati Favorites . Click Here To add .

How To calculate Points ?

1] For each Subscription you get 2 point . I mean ,

POINT = 2 * No of Email Subscribed By You [Confirmed Subscription only].

2] For Each Blog Post you get 5 points ,

POINT = 5 * No Of Your Blog Post + Your Blog PageRank .

3] Adding To Technorati favorite will give you 5 more points.

These are the 2 ways to gain points .


End Date Of this contest : SEPTEMBER 25 , 2008.

Finally ., Send an email to after you finished your activities …

Mailing Format :

Name , Your Primary Blog , List of Emails subscribed , List of Blogs that you wrote about this Contest , points earned [optional.... ] .

Yes another contest at

This contest is based on POINTS , you get points then you deserve a gift .

Prizes offered :

Cash is offered via paypal or alertpay

For Place 1 :
25 $ hard cash + Bonus Gift
For Place 2 :
20 $ hard Cash + Bonus Gift
For Place 3 :
15 $ Hard Cash + Bonus gift

How to earn points :

Just Blog About . Just a few line of review with a link back to
Point = No of blogs Contain the Post + Blog Page Rank.

You will get points only once per blog . so Dont post in same blog .

Finally ., Email us at after you complete the task . we will update your points often .

Bonus Gifts Based on points:

Contest Open Till : September 30 , 2008.

Contest Prize announcement : October 02 , 2008.

June 15, 2008

Test post

This is a test post

This is a quote This is a quote This is a quote
This is a quote
This is a quote This is a quote

This is source code {
This is source code;
// This is source code

This is a image

This is a list
  • Li 1

  • Li 2

  • Li 3

Visit for more details


April 15, 2008

Don't Drop Car Insurance

In these tough economic times, you may be tempted to skip car insurance coverage. Don’t. We’re all feeling the squeeze, but neglecting required car insurance could be a huge mistake.

All states have minimum car insurance laws. You might think you can get away without it if you can just avoid accidents, but you can’t be sure. Driving without car insurance is a crime. Most states have laws requiring you to show proof of insurance whenever it’s asked for. Often this includes random checkpoints that will catch you whether you’ve done something wrong or not.

Many states even have surprise car insurance inspections. In these, you have to mail in proof of insurance showing you were covered on the day they sent the letter. Once you’re caught without insurance, it’s too late.

Penalties for failing to maintain car insurance can range from a fine, to a suspended license, to jail time. If you get caught, your car or license plates could be impounded until you can pay the fine. Then, you have to pay another fee to reinstate your registration. It’s quite possible that all of these penalties could happen at once.

If you’re in an accident, there could be strict penalties imposed on you when you try to drive later. In addition to the problems described earlier, you’ll probably have to continuously maintain a bond or other proof of car insurance. If this bond expires or is cancelled, you’ll be subject to penalties again. States such as Ohio require you to keep this bond on file with an Ohio insurance company—even if you move out of state